
Diese Lifestyle-Vinylkollektion ist perfekt für Designliebhaber oder alle, die ihrem Wohnraum eine persönliche Note verleihen möchten. Sie bietet eine unterhaltsame und praktische Möglichkeit, Ihren Stil auszudrücken. Tischsets, Untersetzer, Teppiche, Mauspads oder Schreibtischunterlagen – Sie finden Ihr perfektes Produkt oder das perfekte Geschenk.

Egal, ob Sie Ihren Esstisch aufpeppen, Ihren Böden Flair verleihen oder Ihren Arbeitsbereich zum Leben erwecken möchten – diese Vinyl-Accessoires lassen Ihr Interieur vor Farbe und Energie vibrieren.

Lassen Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf und verwandeln Sie Ihr Zuhause mit unserer aufregenden Auswahl an Vinyl-Dekorartikeln in eine lebendige, persönliche Oase. Vom Tisch über den Boden bis zum Schreibtisch – machen Sie jede Oberfläche in Ihrem Zuhause zu einer Leinwand für Ihren Selbstausdruck!


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603 Produkte werden angezeigt
Romantic moments of togetherness with our collection of white vinyl placemats with the words Ma Chérie or Mon Amour in black. You will explore the world of romantic dining  with this placemat Mon amour and elevate your culinary experiences. Crafted in Germany, these easy-to-clean vinyl placemats add love to every meal.
Tischset Ma chérie I
Romantic moments of togetherness with our collection of white vinyl placemats with the words Ma Chérie or Mon Amour in black. You will explore the world of romantic dining  with this placemat Mon amour and elevate your culinary experiences. Crafted in Germany, these easy-to-clean vinyl placemats add love to every meal.
Tischset Mon amour III
Romantic moments of togetherness with our collection of white vinyl placemats with the words Ma Chérie or Mon Amour in black. You will explore the world of romantic dining  with this placemat Mon amour and elevate your culinary experiences. Crafted in Germany, these easy-to-clean vinyl placemats add love to every meal.
Tischset Mon amour II
Romantic moments of togetherness with our collection of white vinyl placemats with the words Ma Chérie or Mon Amour in black. You will explore the world of romantic dining  with this placemat Mon amour and elevate your culinary experiences. Crafted in Germany, these easy-to-clean vinyl placemats add love to every meal.
Tischset Mon amour I
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Love… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Love
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Babe… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Babe
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Angel… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Angel
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname King… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset King
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Queen… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Queen
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Honey… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Honey
Our collection of black round vinyl placemats inspired by the majesty of wild felines: the Snow Leopard. Each placemat in this collection showcases the incredible head of a wild feline, capturing the essence of these magnificent creatures. Made in Germany with premium vinyl quality, these elegant animal-inspired placemats transform your dining into a wild adventure. These designs will have you roaring with delight!
Tischset Snow Leopard
Our collection of black round vinyl placemats inspired by the majesty of wild felines: the Puma. Each placemat in this collection showcases the incredible head of a wild feline, capturing the essence of these magnificent creatures. Made in Germany with premium vinyl quality, these elegant animal-inspired placemats transform your dining into a wild adventure. These designs will have you roaring with delight!
Tischset Puma
Our collection of black round vinyl placemats inspired by the majesty of wild felines: the Lion. Each placemat in this collection showcases the incredible head of a wild feline, capturing the essence of these magnificent creatures. Made in Germany with premium vinyl quality, these elegant animal-inspired placemats transform your dining into a wild adventure. These designs will have you roaring with delight!
Tischset Lion
Our collection of black round vinyl placemats inspired by the majesty of wild felines: the Leopard. Each placemat in this collection showcases the incredible head of a wild feline, capturing the essence of these magnificent creatures. Made in Germany with premium vinyl quality, these elegant animal-inspired placemats transform your dining into a wild adventure. These designs will have you roaring with delight!
Tischset Leopard
Our collection of black round vinyl placemats inspired by the majesty of wild felines: the Lioness. Each placemat in this collection showcases the incredible head of a wild feline, capturing the essence of these magnificent creatures. Made in Germany with premium vinyl quality, these elegant animal-inspired placemats transform your dining into a wild adventure. These designs will have you roaring with delight!
Tischset Lioness
Our collection of black round vinyl placemats inspired by the majesty of wild felines: the Tiger. Each placemat in this collection showcases the incredible head of a wild feline, capturing the essence of these magnificent creatures. Made in Germany with premium vinyl quality, these elegant animal-inspired placemats transform your dining into a wild adventure. These designs will have you roaring with delight!!
Tischset Tiger
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like Super Boy. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset Super Boy
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like Super Girl. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset Super Girl
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like Power Food. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset Power Food
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like À table. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset À table
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like What’s for dinner? These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset What's for dinner?
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like On mange quoi. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset On Mange Quoi
Embrace the spirit of the wild with our sophisticated and colorful placemats designs deers with antlers, elegantly dressed to add a touch a modernity in a cozy chalet, a mountain retreat or a countryside haven. Comete design is with a green background and is in perfect harmony with the others deers. Transform your table today and make it alive!
Tischset Comete
Embrace the spirit of the wild with our sophisticated and colorful placemats designs deers with antlers, elegantly dressed to add a touch a modernity in a cozy chalet, a mountain retreat or a countryside haven. Furie design is with a dark blue background and is in perfect harmony with the others deers. Transform your table today and make it alive!
Tischset Furie