Kollektion Animal

Verleihen Sie Ihrem Essen einen Hauch von Laune und Charme mit unserer entzückenden Kollektion von Vinyl-Tischsets mit Tiermotiven . Jedes Design ist so gestaltet, dass es Ihrem Tisch Persönlichkeit und Spaß verleiht und jede Mahlzeit zu einem freudigen Anlass macht.

Verwandeln Sie Ihren Esstisch mit unserer Vinyl-Tischset-Kollektion mit Tiermotiven in ein lebendiges Schaustück Ihrer Persönlichkeit. Ob Sie verspielte Haustiere, elegante Katzen oder exotische Dschungelmotive bevorzugen, diese Tischsets bereichern Ihre Mahlzeiten mit Charme und Stil!


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Der höchste Preis ist €65.00 Zurücksetzen
84 Produkte werden angezeigt
Elevate your dining experience with our funny dog-themed placemats, inspired by the 60s whimsy. Made in Germany, these vinyl quality placemats are easy to clean and feature here Fifi the white poodle with a pink background. You could mix it with our Labrador, Great Dane and Yorkshire Terrier designs. Transform your table today and make it alive!
Tischset Fifi
Elevate your dining experience with our funny dog-themed placemats, inspired by the 60s whimsy. Made in Germany, these vinyl quality placemats are easy to clean and feature here Tara the brown labrador with a green background. You could mix it with our Poodle, Great Dane and Yorkshire Terrier designs. Transform your table today and make it alive!
Tischset Tara
Elevate your dining experience with our funny dog-themed placemats, inspired by the 60s whimsy.. Made in Germany, these vinyl quality placemats are easy to clean and feature here Jack the black &  white dane dog labrador with a green background. You could mix it with our Poodle, Labrador and Yorkshire Terrier designs. Transform your table today and make it alive!
Tischset Jack
Elevate your dining experience with our funny dog-themed placemats, inspired by the 60s whimsy. Made in Germany, these vinyl quality placemats are easy to clean and feature here Rosie the brown labrador with a green background. You could mix it with our Poodle, Great Dane and Yorkshire Terrier designs. Transform your table today and make it alive!
Tischset Rosie
Elevate your dining experience with our funny dog-themed placemats, inspired by the 60s whimsy. Made in Germany, these vinyl quality placemats are easy to clean and feature here Pablo the brown French bulldog with a yellow background. You could mix it with our Poodle, Great Dane and Yorkshire Terrier designs. Transform your table today and make it alive!
Tischset Pablo
Elevate your dining experience with our funny dog-themed placemats, inspired by the 60s whimsy. Made in Germany, these vinyl quality placemats are easy to clean and feature here Rocky the brown French bulldog with a pink background. You could mix it with our Poodle, Great Dane and Yorkshire Terrier designs. Transform your table today and make it alive!
Tischset Rocky
Discover the perfect blend of artistry and functionality with our Butterfly pattern collection. Our colorful butterfly Yellow round placemats is an artistic explosion of hues. With these, you'll instantly inject vitality and joy into your mealtimes. Elevate your dining experience with colorful placemats made in Germany. Let’s make the fly on your dining table!
Tischset Yellow
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Yellow
Discover the perfect blend of artistry and functionality with our Butterfly pattern collection. Our colorful butterfly Pink round placemats is an artistic explosion of hues. With these, you'll instantly inject vitality and joy into your mealtimes. Elevate your dining experience with colorful placemats made in Germany. Let’s make the fly on your dining table!
Tischset Pink
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Pink
Discover the perfect blend of artistry and functionality with our Butterfly pattern collection. Our colorful butterfly Red round placemats is an artistic explosion of hues. With these, you'll instantly inject vitality and joy into your mealtimes. Elevate your dining experience with colorful placemats made in Germany. Let’s make the fly on your dining table!
Tischset Red
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Red
Discover the perfect blend of artistry and functionality with our Butterfly pattern collection. Our colorful butterfly Green round placemats is an artistic explosion of hues. With these, you'll instantly inject vitality and joy into your mealtimes. Elevate your dining experience with colorful placemats made in Germany. Let’s make the fly on your dining table!
Tischset Green
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Green
Discover the perfect blend of artistry and functionality with our Butterfly pattern collection. Our colorful butterfly Orange round placemats is an artistic explosion of hues. With these, you'll instantly inject vitality and joy into your mealtimes. Elevate your dining experience with colorful placemats made in Germany. Let’s make the fly on your dining table!
Tischset Orange
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Orange
Discover the perfect blend of artistry and functionality with our Butterfly pattern collection. Our colorful butterfly Blue round placemats is an artistic explosion of hues. With these, you'll instantly inject vitality and joy into your mealtimes. Elevate your dining experience with colorful placemats made in Germany. Let’s make the fly on your dining table!
Tischset Blue
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Blue