Kollektion Love

Verleihen Sie Ihrem Essen einen Hauch von Romantik mit unseren rechteckigen Tischsets aus Vinyl in kräftigen Farben und mit typischen Liebesworten wie „Liebling“, „Engel“ oder „Königin“. Diese leicht zu reinigenden Tischsets sind perfekt, um Ihrem Tisch ein romantisches Flair zu verleihen und die Schönheit der Tischkunst mit herzlichen Ausdrücken zu verbinden.
6 Produkte werden angezeigt
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Honey… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Honey
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Queen… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Queen
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname King… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset King
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Angel… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Angel
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Babe… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Babe
Love Collection Placemats with colorful background will make your beloved special. Choose your nickname Love… with a classic typography for a romantic dinner.  Made in Germany, these vinyl placemats offer unmatched quality and easy cleaning. Bring love on your table and a fancy design.
Tischset Love