
Diese Lifestyle-Vinylkollektion ist perfekt für Designliebhaber oder alle, die ihrem Wohnraum eine persönliche Note verleihen möchten. Sie bietet eine unterhaltsame und praktische Möglichkeit, Ihren Stil auszudrücken. Tischsets, Untersetzer, Teppiche, Mauspads oder Schreibtischunterlagen – Sie finden Ihr perfektes Produkt oder das perfekte Geschenk.

Egal, ob Sie Ihren Esstisch aufpeppen, Ihren Böden Flair verleihen oder Ihren Arbeitsbereich zum Leben erwecken möchten – diese Vinyl-Accessoires lassen Ihr Interieur vor Farbe und Energie vibrieren.

Lassen Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf und verwandeln Sie Ihr Zuhause mit unserer aufregenden Auswahl an Vinyl-Dekorartikeln in eine lebendige, persönliche Oase. Vom Tisch über den Boden bis zum Schreibtisch – machen Sie jede Oberfläche in Ihrem Zuhause zu einer Leinwand für Ihren Selbstausdruck!


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603 Produkte werden angezeigt
The fish pattern design on these placemats draws inspiration from faience, a form of tin-glazed pottery known for its vibrant colors and intricate designs. This historical reference brings a touch of artistic tradition to your table setting.
Tischset Limoges
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Tischset Limoges
The fish pattern design on these placemats draws inspiration from faience, a form of tin-glazed pottery known for its vibrant colors and intricate designs. This historical reference brings a touch of artistic tradition to your table setting.
Tischset Diego
Vorherige Folie
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Tischset Diego
The fish pattern design on these placemats draws inspiration from faience, a form of tin-glazed pottery known for its vibrant colors and intricate designs. This historical reference brings a touch of artistic tradition to your table setting.
Tischset Sofia
Vorherige Folie
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Tischset Sofia
The fish pattern design on these placemats draws inspiration from faience, a form of tin-glazed pottery known for its vibrant colors and intricate designs. This historical reference brings a touch of artistic tradition to your table setting.
Tischset Miguel
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Tischset Miguel
The fish pattern design on these placemats draws inspiration from faience, a form of tin-glazed pottery known for its vibrant colors and intricate designs. This historical reference brings a touch of artistic tradition to your table setting.
Tischset Chica
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Tischset Chica
The fish pattern design on these placemats draws inspiration from faience, a form of tin-glazed pottery known for its vibrant colors and intricate designs. This historical reference brings a touch of artistic tradition to your table setting.
Tischset Paco
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Tischset Paco
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a detail of stucco and inspired by a castle style. With a pastel color harmony, they effortlessly mix colors, adding a touch of elegance. Enhance your table decor with this classic pattern.
Tischset Cheverny
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Tischset Cheverny
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a detail of stucco and inspired by a castle style. With a pastel color harmony, they effortlessly mix colors, adding a touch of elegance. Enhance your table decor with this classic pattern.
Tischset Chinon
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Tischset Chinon
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a detail of stucco and inspired by a castle style. With a pastel color harmony, they effortlessly mix colors, adding a touch of elegance. Enhance your table decor with this classic pattern.
Tischset Sully
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Tischset Sully
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a detail of stucco and inspired by a castle style. With a pastel color harmony, they effortlessly mix colors, adding a touch of elegance. Enhance your table decor with this classic pattern.
Tischset Saumur
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Tischset Saumur
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a detail of stucco and inspired by a castle style. With a pastel color harmony, they effortlessly mix colors, adding a touch of elegance. Enhance your table decor with this classic pattern.
Tischset Vincenne
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Tischset Vincenne
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a detail of stucco and inspired by a castle style. With a pastel color harmony, they effortlessly mix colors, adding a touch of elegance. Enhance your table decor with this classic pattern.
Tischset Blois
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Tischset Blois
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a detail of stucco and inspired by a castle style. With a pastel color harmony, they effortlessly mix colors, adding a touch of elegance. Enhance your table decor with this classic pattern.
Tischset Fontainebleau
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Tischset Fontainebleau
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a detail of stucco and inspired by a castle style. With a pastel color harmony, they effortlessly mix colors, adding a touch of elegance. Enhance your table decor with this classic pattern.
Tischset Chantilly
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Tischset Chantilly
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a detail of stucco and inspired by a castle style. With a pastel color harmony, they effortlessly mix colors, adding a touch of elegance. Enhance your table decor with this classic pattern.
Tischset Amboise
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Tischset Amboise
Elevate your dining experience with our round vinyl placemat featuring a design sun face design in shades of orange, inspired by Portuguese ceramic artistry. These placemats boast bold colors. Bring a touch of poetic to your table setting .
Tischset Orion
Elevate your dining experience with our round vinyl placemat featuring a design coral art design in shades of orange and blue, inspired by Portuguese ceramic artistry. Bring a touch of maritime to your table setting.
Tischset Coral VI
Elevate your dining experience with our round vinyl placemat featuring a design coral art design in shades of orange and blue, inspired by Portuguese ceramic artistry. Bring a touch of maritime to your table setting.
Tischset Coral V
Elevate your dining experience with our round vinyl placemat featuring a design coral art design in shades of orange and blue, inspired by Portuguese ceramic artistry. Bring a touch of maritime to your table setting.
Tischset Coral IV
Elevate your dining experience with our round vinyl placemat featuring a design coral art design in shades of orange and blue, inspired by Portuguese ceramic artistry. Bring a touch of maritime to your table setting.
Tischset Coral III
Elevate your dining experience with our round vinyl placemat featuring a design coral art design in shades of orange and blue, inspired by Portuguese ceramic artistry. Bring a touch of maritime to your table setting.
Tischset Coral II
Elevate your dining experience with our round vinyl placemat featuring a design coral art design in shades of orange and blue, inspired by Portuguese ceramic artistry. Bring a touch of maritime to your table setting.
Tischset Coral I
Enhance and design your table decor with our Sun Vinyl Coasters, reminiscent of Portuguese ceramic art. These shades of orange fascinating sun illustration not only looks amazing but is also a breeze to clean.
Sun Unterstzer Geschenk Set
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Sun Unterstzer Geschenk Set
Elevate your dining experience with our round vinyl placemat featuring a design sun face design in shades of orange, inspired by Portuguese ceramic artistry. These placemats boast bold colors. Bring a touch of poetic to your table setting .
Tischset Lisa