
Diese Lifestyle-Vinylkollektion ist perfekt für Designliebhaber oder alle, die ihrem Wohnraum eine persönliche Note verleihen möchten. Sie bietet eine unterhaltsame und praktische Möglichkeit, Ihren Stil auszudrücken. Tischsets, Untersetzer, Teppiche, Mauspads oder Schreibtischunterlagen – Sie finden Ihr perfektes Produkt oder das perfekte Geschenk.

Egal, ob Sie Ihren Esstisch aufpeppen, Ihren Böden Flair verleihen oder Ihren Arbeitsbereich zum Leben erwecken möchten – diese Vinyl-Accessoires lassen Ihr Interieur vor Farbe und Energie vibrieren.

Lassen Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf und verwandeln Sie Ihr Zuhause mit unserer aufregenden Auswahl an Vinyl-Dekorartikeln in eine lebendige, persönliche Oase. Vom Tisch über den Boden bis zum Schreibtisch – machen Sie jede Oberfläche in Ihrem Zuhause zu einer Leinwand für Ihren Selbstausdruck!


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603 Produkte werden angezeigt
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of stripes colors. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Orange Stripes
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Orange Stripes
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of stripes colors. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Grey Stripes
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Grey Stripes
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of stripes colors. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Mix Stripes
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Mix Stripes
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of stripes colors. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Greige Stripes
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Greige Stripes
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of stripes colors. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Turquoise Stripes
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Turquoise Stripes
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of stripes colors. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Pink Stripes
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Pink Stripes
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of bold colors with rectangle patterns. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Iris
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Iris
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of bold colors with rectangle patterns. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Pandia
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Pandia
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of bold colors with rectangle patterns. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Héra
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Héra
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of bold colors with rectangle patterns. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Daphné
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Daphné
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of bold colors with rectangle patterns. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Cassiopée
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Cassiopée
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of bold colors with rectangle patterns. Designed in Germany, these placemats are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Hestia
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischset Hestia
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl coasters set of 6 featuring a stunning abstract shapes design. Designed in Germany, these coasters are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of forms and colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Shape Untersetzer Gift Set-II
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Shape Untersetzer Gift Set-II
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl coasters set of 6 featuring a stunning abstract shapes design. Designed in Germany, these coasters are not just functional but a stunning addition to your table. With a harmonious blend of forms and colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Shape Untersetzer Gift Set-I
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Shape Untersetzer Gift Set-I
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemat featuring a stunning abstract shapes design. With a harmonious blend of forms and colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischsets Shape VI
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemat featuring a stunning abstract shapes design. With a harmonious blend of forms and colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischsets Shape V
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemat featuring a stunning abstract shapes design. With a harmonious blend of forms and colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischsets Shape IV
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemat featuring a stunning abstract shapes design. With a harmonious blend of forms and colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischsets Shape III
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemat featuring a stunning abstract shapes design. With a harmonious blend of forms and colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischsets Shape II
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemat featuring a stunning abstract shapes design. With a harmonious blend of forms and colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischsets Shape I
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl coasters set of 6 featuring a beautiful pastel mix of colors. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Pastel Unterstezter Geschenk Set
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of pastel colors. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Ocean
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of pastel colors. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Light Nut
Elevate your dining decor with our vinyl placemats featuring a colorful mix of pastel colors. With a harmonious blend of colors, they effortlessly mix patterns, adding a touch of elegance.
Tischset Powder Blue