Kollektion Vegetal

Wir präsentieren unsere lebendige Kollektion von Tischsets und Untersetzern aus Vinyl, wunderschön verziert mit atemberaubenden botanischen und floralen Mustern. Jedes Stück ist eine Hommage an die Schönheit der Natur und bringt die Frische der freien Natur in Ihr Zuhause.

Von zarten Blüten bis hin zu üppigen grünen Blättern fangen unsere Designs die komplexen Details und Farben verschiedener Pflanzen und Blumen ein und schaffen so eine lebendige und einladende Atmosphäre für jedes Speiseerlebnis. Diese auffälligen Motive verschönern nicht nur Ihre Tischdekoration, sondern verleihen Ihrem Raum auch ein Gefühl von Wärme und Ruhe.

13 Produkte werden angezeigt
The flower power design patterns on this rectangular black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Camelia in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Camelia
The flower power design patterns on this round black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Camelia in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Camelia
The flower power design patterns on this rectangular black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Daisy in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Daisy
The flower power design patterns on this round black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Daisy in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Daisy
The flower power design patterns on this rectangular black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Flora in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Flora
The flower power design patterns on this round black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Flora in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Flora
The flower power design patterns on this rectangular black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Marguerite in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Marguerite
The flower power design patterns on this round black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Marguerite in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Marguerite
The flower power design patterns on this rectangular black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Peony in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Peony
The flower power design patterns on this round black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Peony in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Peony
The flower power design patterns on this rectangular black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Rose in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Rose
The flower power design patterns on this round black placemat is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral pattern Rose in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischset Rose
The flower power design patterns on these rectangular black placemats set with 4 designs is vibrant and eye-catching. The intricate floral patterns Flora, Rose, Marguerite and Peony in white shade colors will instantly brighten up your dining table and become a focal point on your table. Dine in style with our others white floral patterns and mix them for a Wow effect!
Tischsets Set Flower Power
Vorherige Folie
Nächste Folie
Tischsets Set Flower Power